
In order to guarantee the financial security of your future EUROLIFE Group offers a broad range of products and plans with the main emphasis on capital-forming life and accident insurance.

These internationally well proven products meet the strict requirements of our clients and are offered in packages which are tailored to the specific needs and demands of our customers.

GRAWE Excellent secure

GRAWE Excellent secure offers a life insurance plan combined with asset growth. You can enjoy the security of an insurance plan, while simultaneously growing your assets through high earnings from investment funds.

 Fund Structure (target distribution)

GRAWE Excellent secure  facts:

> Flexible term:                10 - 40 years

> Minimum age at issue date:  15 years

> Maximum age at issue date: 65 years

> Minimum Premium:

If annual premium              600 EUR

If single premium              3000 EUR



> Age:                                            30 years

> Term:                                          20 years

> Annual premium:                          600 EUR

> Premium sum:                          12 000 EUR

Model calculation with assumed annual yield:

Payout at the maturity (EUR)       2%            4%            6%

(The payout is based on the assumed appreciation rates shown):    

12 450,47   15 354,18   19 065.46



on 28.06.2024


on 28.06.2024


on 28.06.2024

Important notes:
All information and product descriptions have been carefully compiled. However, for reasons of clarity, condensed descriptions may be included. For the exact definition of the extent of coverage in specific cases, the provisions of the policy and the agreed terms and conditions of the insurance shall apply exclusively.